East Farndon Polo Ground – new history article

Many will be remember that back in October 2023, Alan Langley gave an illustrated history talk entitled ‘Grand Dukes, Diamonds and a Farndon Polo Ground’. Alan has recently published another article for our Village History section, describing the history of the East Farndon Polo Ground. You can read this interesting article by clicking the link below.

A few people have asked about the location of the polo field. Alan says, “I was told by John Hart (who built Greenfields and was living there at the time), that the polo field was in Oak Tree Close, which is the field between the vineyard and the bridleway, looking to the left of the vineyard from Marston Lane. To me, it doesn’t look flat enough, but maybe the part away from the road has just about enough levelish ground for a pitch. People used to get to it along the ‘road’ i.e. the bridleway, according to the reports in the paper. It doesn’t look like the best field for a polo ground, but evidence points that way, to my knowledge.”

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