Home Page
The excellent content in this section is kindly provided by Alan Langley, Judy Hodgetts and Russell Burton. You can enjoy a pictorial historic tour of the village as well as discover lots of interesting articles. Clicking on the heading or the photo will take you to the article itself or in some cases will open a new page that is full of information and images.
Heritage Assets of East Farndon
Click the heading or photo to open a new page to read a range of articles presenting the history of the multiple heritage assets of East Farndon, including buildings and archaeological sites.
East Farndon in World War One
Click the heading or photo to open a new page to discover articles relating to East Farndon in World War One, together with an interesting photo gallery.
East Farndon in World War Two
Click the heading or photo to open a new page to discover a wide range of articles relating to East Farndon in World War Two, together with an interesting photo gallery.
The People of East Farndon
Click the heading or photo to open a new page that contains a number of biographies and articles presenting the history of the people of East Farndon.
Village Life in East Farndon – early times to present day
Click the heading or photo to open a new page and discover a number of interesting articles relating to Village Life in East Farndon from early times to the present day, including the Women’s Institute Archive.