WNC News – June edition of Town & Parish Briefing newsletter

On this page you can view the latest news from West Northamptonshire Council. Visit their website at: https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/

WNC Town & Parish Briefing – Monthly Comprehensive Newsletter

June 2024 edition of the Town & Parish Briefing

WNC News Releases – highlighted by East Farndon Parish Council

Mar 18th 2024 – Subscriptions now open for West Northants garden waste service

Mar 13th 2024 – Eligible households urged to access funding to save money to heat their homes

Bench Under the Beech Tree

West Northants Council – New Local Plan – Parish Council responses & have your say!

Both West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) and Harborough District Council (HDC) have launched their processes to create new local plans.

In the first WNC consultation, East Farndon Parish Council (EFPC) responded with comments to a new, combined policy for the settlement hierarchy. East Farndon is termed ‘an other village’ or rural village and it was important to understand and influence this policy as it forms part of the new WNC local plan. Also, EFPC were invited to draw our East Farndon village confines, which will be used as a foundation for future decisions in relation to housing development policy in the village. You can read the EFPC responses and see our submitted village confines map by clicking the links below.

WNC have now issued the first full draft of the new local plan and it is available for everyone to read and comment upon. The draft plan sets out a vision and objectives for the area, its ambitions for new development and commitment to dealing with climate change. The plan allocates land for housing and employment and contains a series of planning policies for these and many other topics such as leisure, transport, health and wellbeing, infrastructure and the environment and where development can and cannot take place.

It is a large document with many supporting documents, but it is important that East Farndon Parish Council (EFPC) and residents get involved and review and comment as appropriate. People can have their say from Monday 8th April to Sunday 2nd June by visiting: Have your say on West Northamptonshire’s new draft Local Plan – West Northamptonshire Council – Citizen Space

The draft plan is accompanied by a number of technical documents and other evidence. All can be found on the dedicated New Local Plan for West Northamptonshire page

The East Farndon parish is in West Northamptonshire, but it is also on the border with Leicestershire and Harborough District Council (HDC). Potential housing and roads development between East Farndon and Harborough remains an area that is being closely watched by EFPC. As it develops, EFPC will have the opportunity to review and comment on the new Harborough plan. At this stage, the HDC process is not as advanced as the WNC process, but everyone is encouraged to view and get involved as appropriate using the following link, Harborough District Council New Local Plan

EFPC will stay closely involved with both the WNC and HDC plan processes and we will keep everyone updated via this website, but if you have any questions, please email our Parish Clerk, Caroline Burton.

Quiz Night – Sat 13th April – thank you & a few photos

Many thanks to the Village Hall Social Committee for organising such a great Quiz Night on Saturday 13th April 2024 at East Farndon Village Hall. Un grand merci à Tom Knott et Caroline et Russell Burton d’avoir écrit et livré un quiz aussi fantastique! (Also, huge thanks to Tom Knott and Caroline & Russell Burton for writing and delivering such a fantastic quiz.) Click this link to see a few photos from the evening. 

Ask Aimee! – launch of village contact group for East Farndon

East Farndon organises a range of village events to support the people in our community. We are aware that some people find it difficult to attend these events, especially during the cold and dark winter months, and this can leave them feeling isolated and lonely.

Our village has created a contact group that aims to make sure that everyone feels a connection with the community and are supported in attending village events. The contact group, which is made up of village residents, is available for anyone to call for help in getting to and from village events or for simply organising a get together for a cup of tea and a chat.

This initiative is known as “Ask Aimee” named after Aimee, who lives in East Farndon and has inspired the creation of our village contact group.

To get in touch please call 01858 402055 to leave a message and one of our team of East Farndon residents will return your call and set about getting things organised to help where we can. For those who have access, you can also make contact using this e-mail link: email Ask Aimee

East Farndon events are published in the monthly Parish Magazine, on the Village Website and Facebook pages, and posters around the village. As a reminder, click this link to visit our website Village Events Page: https://eastfarndon.org/events

We look forward to seeing you soon.

East Farndon WhatsApp Group

Sam Beesley has set up an East Farndon WhatsApp group called “Fabulously Fantastic Farndon”. This was set up originally to support the 12 Days of Christmas event that took place last year, but it has developed into a quick and useful way to update residents on events etc. It is a completely personal and private group and not linked to any formal East Farndon organisation. If you would like to be added to this group then please contact Sam. You can use this link to email Sam Beesley.