Bench Under the Beech Tree

WNC New Local Plan – update & East Farndon Parish Council response

As part of the West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) development of a new local plan, in June 2024, East Farndon Parish Council (EFPC) responded to submit our drawn Village Confines, 4 nominations for Local Green Spaces and a request to extend the WNC Special Landscape Area within which East Farndon is located. These requests will remain in a pending status until the new WNC local plan is formally accepted and published in 2025. The EFPC submissions can be viewed in map form by clicking the links below.

Village Confines Map

Local Green Space Nominations Map

Special Landscape Area Map

Also, most people will know that East Farndon has medieval settlement remains in the village and this is a Historic England Scheduled Monument. This can be viewed in map form by clicking the link below.

Medieval Settlement Remains & Scheduled Monument Map

The parcels of land in the WNC spatial options strategy and call for sites documents, identified for potential major housing developments between East Farndon and Market Harborough, remain in the latest / new WNC local plan. The good news is that all of these areas have been marked as not suitable and thefore will not be going ahead into the new housing areas to be developed for this plan. It remains the case that Harborough District Council (HDC) could request these development areas from WNC to include in the new HDC local plan. This is unlikely, but EFPC will continue to monitor closely the development of both the WNC and HDC new local plans.

Please click this link to read more about this on our page dedicated to Planning & Major Housing Development.

If you have any questions, please use this link to email our Parish Clerk, Caroline Burton.