Naseby 1645 road race via East Farndon – Sun 16th Feb 2025 – 9.38am

On Sunday, 16th February 2025, the Naseby 1645 road race for runners will be passing through East Farndon. The 16.45 mile race route can be viewed here:

The route comes into East Farndon along Clipston Road, proceeding along Main Street before turning left into Back Lane, and left again into Marston Lane. The following traffic management measures will be in place around the East Farndon area for the safety of our participants (full details on all road closures and traffic management measures that will be in place for the event can be found here:  

Temporary Speed Restriction, to 40 mph from 60 mph

– Clipston Road (from Clipston to East Farndon)

– Marston Lane/Farndon Road (complete length) 

– Sibbertoft Road (junction with Farndon Road to junction with Dick’s Hill) 


There will be a number through the village to ensure the safety of the runners and warn road users/pedestrians as to their presence. 

The race starts at Naseby Village Hall at 9am and East Farndon is 7 miles into the route. Therefore, we would expect the timings of runners to be as follows.  

  • First runners reach East Farndon: 09:38 
  • Final runners reach East Farndon: 10:48 

Our traffic management company will also be putting in place the requisite notification signage in terms of the closed roads two weeks before the race, as well as any required notices. We will also put up a number of directional arrows to ensure that the runners stay on course. These will be removed by a sweeper vehicle following the back runners.

Full information on the race is contained on our website:

Mary Pearson | Owner, Race Harborough |



Clipston road works – Wormslade Farm Anaerobic Digestion facility

Construction work has begun for an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facility at Wormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Kelmarsh. As part of the work, the contractors are upgrading and widening Clipston Road (Church Lane) to enhance safety and ease congestion during construction. To complete this work safely and efficiently the road will be closed from 17th February for approximately 6 weeks. A 400m stretch adjoining the A508 will be completely closed, while the rest of the road will be open as a no-through route. Furthermore, there will be an off-peak 2-way traffic light license for the A508 (at the junction) from 17th February for the same time period. You can access the leaflet sent out to nearby residents which details the closure and points to some of the benefits that these road improvements will bring to locals in the long-term here.

WNC News – Recycling Centres to open 7 days a week

On this page you can view the latest news from West Northamptonshire Council and the office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner.

WNC Town & Parish Briefing – monthly newsletter

December 2024 Town & Parish Briefing

WNC & OPFCC News Releases – highlighted by East Farndon Parish Council

Feb 6th 2025 – West Northants Recycling Centres to open 7 days a week

Residents will soon be able to take their waste to recycling centres across West Northants 7 days a week offering a better service and value for money this spring.

Dec 6th 2024 – Residents encouraged to help shape approach to tackling climate change

Residents, businesses, and stakeholders are being encouraged to share their views on a strategy to tackle climate change across West Northamptonshire.

Dec 6th 2024 – New Safer Northants website launched

The Northamptonshire Serious Violence Prevention Partnership (NSVPP) has launched Safer Northants, a new online resource aimed at providing information to make communities safer. The website is designed to empower young people, parents and guardians with the knowledge they need to stay safe and support one another.

Nov 18th 2024 – Spotlight on reducing food waste – article in Nov newsletter

In the UK we waste a quarter of all the food and drink we buy! This is responsible for producing 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year (imagine 36 million standard sized water butts full of petrol on fire) which contributes towards climate change. One of the best things we can do for the environment and our wallets is not waste our food and drink. An average family can save £1,000 a year by reducing their food waste. Some top tips to reduce food waste include:

  1. Planning ahead – by planning your meals and sticking to a shopping list you will avoid overbuying food and use up food you already have – remember to check what food you already have before going to the shops.
  2. Know your dates – remember that a ‘Best Before’ date only refers to the quality of food, but most items are ok to eat after this date.  ‘Use By’ dates refer to safety and food should not be eaten after this date.
  3. Make the most of your food – correct storage of your food can extend its life by weeks (or months in a freezer), your fridge should be below 5oC and you can freeze any food right up to the ‘use by’ date – ideal if your plans change.
  4. Perfect Portions – cook only what you need and if you do have any leftovers they can be stored in the fridge for another meal another day.  You can take the guess work out of portion sizes by using the food portion calculator on the love food hate waste website.

The Love Food Hate Waste website has lots of great hacks and guidance for making the most of food at home and saving you money.  See Any food that can’t be used (for example tea bags, bones, plate scrapings etc) or does become wasted, should be placed into your food waste bin and put out for collection each week, on the same day as your other bins (currently unavailable to most flats but will be available to all by April 2026). More and more people in West Northamptonshire are recycling their food waste when they see how easy it is. Visit for more information or to order a free food waste bin. Did you know?:

  • recycling your food waste, rather than putting it in your rubbish bin, saves the council, and therefore you, around £100 per tonne – money which could be spent on other services.
  • all food waste bins are provided free of charge (an indoor caddy and an outdoor bin) and are collected every week.
  • you can use any bag to line your indoor kitchen caddy, including plastic.
  • food waste caddy bags are now stocked at all WNC libraries and are just £1 a roll (30 bags).
  • food waste is processed into green electricity and compost, which fertilises local farmers’ fields
  • reducing and recycling your food waste is one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint and fight climate change.

For a FREE weekly reminder of which bin goes out when, and a comprehensive list of what can and cannot be recycled in West Northamptonshire,  download the West Northamptonshire Council App – available on either Google Play or Apple App Store

Oct 29th 2024 – Residents are urged to access vital winter financial support

WNC is encouraging all residents, especially those most vulnerable, to take advantage of a wide range of financial support available this winter.

Oct 26th 2024 – Sepsis: get to know the risks, spot the signs, and act fast

Recent reports highlight that local communities remain unaware of the risks and signs of sepsis. By raising awareness of how people can spot the signs and symptoms, and know how to act fast, if sepsis is suspected, it can help families across West Northamptonshire and beyond. WNC urge everyone to familiarise themselves with the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they suspect sepsis. Timely treatment with antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and support for organ function is critical for saving lives. Click here to find out more about sepsis and infections.

Sept 18th 2024 – 24 hour mental health text message service launched for Northamptonshire

Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) along with North and West Northamptonshire Councils have partnered with charity Mental Health Innovations to offer free, confidential and 24/7 mental health support to those across the county through the charity’s text messaging support service Shout.

July 20th 2024 – WNC service to deal with Wasp problems

Mar 13th 2024 – Eligible households urged to access funding to save money to heat their homes

Residents who have an annual household income of under £31,000 or less and are not connected to mains gas networks could be eligible for government funding to help to make their homes more energy efficient and save money on heating their homes, reducing fuel poverty. From Tuesday 2 April the criteria will change to less than £36,000 combined gross annual income.

Coffee Morning – Fri 28th Feb 2025 – Village Hall – 10.30am

Our next Coffee Morning get together at the East Farndon Village Hall will be on Friday 28th February 2025, from 10.30am to 12.00 midday. You are very welcome to join us to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, plus toasted tea cakes, a selection of books and a raffle. All money raised is donated to village charities / causes or other local charities. Everyone is welcome and entry is free. Many thanks for your ongoing support.

West Northants Wellbeing Service & Support for Carers

WNC Wellbeing Service

Formerly the Supporting Independence Programme, the new WNC Wellbeing Service, is working alongside Adult Social Care to support individuals, free of charge, to prevent and/or delay any decline in independence. Working with individuals on a one-to-one basis, the service can provide tailored, in-house support in several areas of their life and aim to maximise all the support on offer in their local community, reducing the need for health and Adult Social Care services. Please click this link to read more.  

Examples of support include:

  • Opportunities to meet with an Advisor to ‘Walk and Talk’ with the aim of becoming more active and increasing socialisation.
  • Support to access social opportunities within the local community to reduce isolation, including volunteering and clubs, groups and events to suit hobbies and interests.
  • In-house Friendship Groups and OTAGO classes (strength and balance exercise).
  • Identification, support and referrals as appropriate to support daily life including housing support and financial advice.
  • Identification, intervention and support for low-level mental health and emotional difficulties using behaviour change strategies.
  • Advice, information and support on lifestyle issues such as nutrition, smoking and alcohol use.
  • Support with budget planning, meal planning, long and short term goal setting.
  • Identification and initial assessments of issues such as memory & continence concerns and making appropriate referrals.

Individuals can self-refer, or make a referral on someone else’s behalf (with consent). This can be done by completing our short referral form via the link below. A member of our administration team will endeavour to contact individuals within two working days of receiving the referral, to arrange an initial appointment. Wellbeing Service | West Northamptonshire Council

Support for Carers in West Northants

Northamptonshire Carers are a registered Charity working with North and West Northamptonshire Councils to deliver a Roadshow of ‘One Stop Shops’ in Daventry (18th March) and Brixworth (19th March), to encourage those looking after someone in the community with a disability or long term health condition, to recognise themselves as Carers and to come forward for information and support to help prevent them from becoming isolated. The upcoming events are shown below, but if you cannot make these dates, please contact the charity directly.